cargo-partner launches new “key channel” to address its clients

Re-launched online presence of the logistics provider brings an interactive world map and a job portal, and is optimised for PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones

cargo-partner launches new “key channel” to address its clients

Studies show that 94 percent of B2B customers seek out information online and 83 percent visit the respective company’s website prior to making a purchasing decision. The interconnectivity of online platforms allowing customers to interact with the brand and products is gaining importance. 

The new website is therefore considered a key channel in addressing existing and potential clients. The new cargo-partner website will provide a “request-a-quote” function allowing potential customers to send a detailed inquiry directly from the website, and receive a calculated offer. Furthermore, cargo-partner has been making active use of the social platforms LinkedIn, XING, Vimeo, YouTube and Instagram to keep in touch with potential clients and business partners. 

„In addition to a more customer-focused content and design, we have integrated technical elements that enable an intuitive access to information, such as the interactive map with key facts about cargo-partner’s 125 offices in 29 countries. We also aim to present ourselves as an exemplary employer with an open corporate culture. In addition to a job portal with all open vacancies, employees give statements in the scope of Inside Stories, providing insight into their exciting and varied range of responsibilities,” explains Christina Hainbuchner, Director of Corporate Communications & Marketing. 

The company plans to expand the website continuously in the scope of further development phases. Beside English and German, a further step will be the translation of the website’s contents into the other languages of the countries in which the company is represented.
