bmvit promotes investments into environmentally friendly barges

Non-refundable subsidies are granted to promote environmentally friendly upgrading and retrofitting of vessels as well as modifications of ship hulls

bmvit promotes investments into environmentally friendly barges

Aiming to promote clean ships, Austria’s Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology continues to foster environmentally friendly fleet modernization of inland cargo vessels. A new call is opening on 7 March 2016.

The actions that can be funded with up to 40 percent include for instance the installation of energy-efficient propulsion systems, the retrofitting of single hull ships to double hulls or the application of new safety and steering technologies.

Eligible beneficiaries are European inland waterway transport companies whose head office is in Austria. In order to be eligible for funding, the vessel that presents the characteristics stated above has to pass the Austrian Danube at least 10 times a year.

The state aid program is conducted in annual Calls. Deadline for applications to the current Call is 13 May 2016. The application process is conducted by viadonau.
