Serbia – joint shipping procedure since 1 February 2016

As of now intenational transportations from and to Serbia can be handled in an end-to-end-procedure

Serbia – joint shipping procedure since 1 February 2016

From February 2016, the agreements of the previous contractual partners EU, EFTA, Turkey and Macedonia on a joint shipping procedure and simplified formalities in goods traffic will also apply to Serbia. Through the resolutions N°2/2015 and N°3/2015, joint committees of EU / EFTA invited Serbia to join the two agreements concluded on 20 May 1987. Serbia deposited its instrument of accession on 9 December 2015, thus the regulations of the convention apply also to Serbia since 1 February 2016.

This means

  • the joint shipment procedure can since then also be used for transportations to and from Serbia, in an end-to-end-procedure, and no forwarding company is required at the border any longer. This enhancement simplifies economic trade between the contract parties.
  • the code „EU*“ must be entered in customs declarations if Serbia is the place of origin or destination, instead of the previous declaration codes „IM*“ (import) or „EX*“ (export).

“Joining the agreement brings Serbia even closer to the European Union“, says Slavisa Djakovic, Customs Manager Condor Speditions Transport GmbH+Co, Salzburg.;
