New joint venture for European waterway logistics

German-Dutch joint venture Müller & Oorburg Logistics GmbH aims to increase the market share of inland shipping

New joint venture for European waterway logistics

On September 24th, 2018, the companies J. Müller (Brake/D) and Oorburg Intermodaal (Nieuwege/NL) launch their joint company Müller & Oorburg Logistics GmbH, based in Bremen. In addition to the classic chartering of inland waterway vessels on Europe’s waterways, comprehensive offerings along the entire supply chain are offered.

“Based on the specialised terminals in Brake and Bremen with a total volume of around 8 million tonnes per year, this bundling of logistical areas such as transport, storage and transshipment creates real added value for customers,” reads a press release by J. Müller Aktiengesellschaft.

This form of a German-Dutch joint venture for inland water logistics for the whole of Europe is unique and combines tradition with innovation. The aim is to increase the market share of inland waterway transport and to mirror the growth in traffic through efficient intermodal chains.

Michiel van Pelt, is an experienced specialist for the operative business to join the company. Wilhelm Heyer and John Oorburg were appointed as managing directors.

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