Frankfurt-Hahn has appetite for more airfreight

Task force for settlement campaigns intended to give customers quick, cost-effective and efficient airfreight transport

Frankfurt-Hahn has appetite for more airfreight

Frankfurt-Hahn Airport has set up a task force headed by COO Christoph Goetzmann, to further develop the location as an alternative airfreight hub to overloaded bottlenecks in Frankfurt am Main, Amsterdam and Paris. In the coming months, they will be presenting the available services in a road show to all international airlines. From now on, customers can call a hotline and ask their questions about the airfreight alternative, Frankfurt-Hahn GmbH informs in a letter.

With its modern infrastructure, the airport is within easy reach of important European business locations such as the Ruhr and Rhine-Main area in Germany, Luxembourg, the North of France and the Netherlands. Around 5.5 million people live within a radius of 100 kilometers. The industries in these regions, the industrial heart of Europe, depend on the efficient transport of goods and merchandises.

In the cargo business, more than 80,000 tonnes of freight were handled at Frankfurt-Hahn in 2016. From January to July 2017, more than 58,000 tonnes of goods passed this site. This represents an increase of 56 percent compared to the previous year. As one of the few public airports in Germany, it has an unrestricted 24-hour operating license in the area between Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Germany. There is also a direct trucking link to the airport of Frankfurt am Main.
