Continued investments in the port of Koper

In the first half of 2017 the net profit amounted to EUR 27.4 million, 15 percent above the same period in 2016

Continued investments in the port of Koper

The Luka Koper Group announced its January – June results. In the first half of 2017 the group has invested EUR 29.4 million in infrastructure and equipment. The investments were particularly focused on the increase of capacities at the container terminal: setting up of new and existing storage areas with the goal of improving internal logistics and new RMG cranes and terminal tractors were acquired.

In the first half of 2017, the Luka Koper Group increased the cargo throughput by 6 percent, and handled in total 11.9 million tonnes. Net sales reached 108 million euros with an 8 percent increase. The net profit amounted EUR 27.4 million, 15 percent higher compared to the same period in 2016.

The largest growth was recorded by the container and liquid cargoes terminal where the cargo throughput raised by 11 percent on both terminals. A slight decline (-2 percent) was recorded in the car throughput owing to the political situation in Turkey. A decrease was recorded also in the throughput of general cargos (- 11 percent) which can be attributed to a decrease in the throughput of timber due to unstable situation in North Africa and Middle East and the global trend of containerization of goods.

The number of employees in January – June 2017 in comparison with the equivalent period last year increased by 3 percent (35 employees) and reached the number of 1,090 employees.



