New flood protection gate upgrades the Port of Albern

Balance sheet total of Wien Holding breaks the EUR 1 billion barrier for the first time; Around EUR 22 million will be invested into flood protection at the port

New flood protection gate upgrades the Port of Albern Bild: Stadtrat Peter Hanke mit den beiden Wien Holding-GeschäftsführerInnen Sigrid Oblak und Kurt Gollowitzer

The port of Vienna wants to continue growing as a business hub in the future. The strategy of consistently strengthening the location should considerably increase competitiveness. The tender for a new flood protection gate is currently running in the port of Albern. One of the goals is to strengthen the port as a business location. The start of construction is scheduled for the second half of this year. About EUR 22 million will be invested in the new harbor gate and flood protection, as Wien Holding Managing Director Kurt Gollowitzer announced at the annual financial statements press conference of Wien Holding.

City Councilor for Finance and Economic Affairs Peter Hanke was pleased to announce the balance sheet total of around EUR 1.03 billion and approximately EUR 552 million in revenue of the entire Group. According to the freshly printed annual report, the logistics sector is second behind the highest-revenue business segment of property, contributing a share of around 33.74 per cent to the Group’s total revenue of EUR 551.9 million.

The port of Vienna also developed successfully in 2018 economically. The Hafen Wien Group closed the reporting year 2018 with EUR 62.2 million in sales. That means an increase of around 7 per cent year-on-year. Excluding one-time effects, the operating result before taxes was EUR 14.9 million, 1.1 per cent higher than in 2017.

Today the Port of Vienna has more storage and parking space than ever before, it has reorganised its space for the car terminal and upgraded the truck clearance with digital systems. The Wiencont Container Terminal Company has concluded a climate-active partnership in 2018 in its commitment to innovation through sustainability. On the way to becoming the first carbon-free trimodal terminal in Europe, the power supply at the entire container terminal was switched to 100 per cent hydroelectric power by August 2018.
