Vienna Airport: Higher air cargo volume in 2016

Expansion of the Air Cargo Center should further improve the market position as a transshipment point in Europe

Vienna Airport: Higher air cargo volume in 2016

At the Vienna Airport (VIE) the year 2016 was marked by an increase in air cargo volume. Total cargo (incl. trucking) rose 3,7 percent to 282.726 tonnes. Pure air freight totaled 203.033 tonnes, and was up 3,4 percent, the trucking volume improved by 4,4 percent to 79.693 tonnes. These figures were just published by the Flughafen Wien AG.

With 23,35 billion passengers the Vienna Airport transported 2,5 more travelers in 2016 than in the previous year. The number of flight movements remained stable at 226.395 take-offs and landings.

Vienna Airport is making another key investment to expand its Airport City by recently starting construction work on enlarging its Air Cargo Center and adding one-third more space (15,000 m²). The project will be implemented at a cost of about EUR 16 million. The new addition should be ready for operation by the end of 2017.

