Social partners call for expansion of inland navigation

The expansion of the rail freight infrastructure is also a matter close to the hearts of the trade union vida and the WKO

Social partners call for expansion of inland navigation Bild: WKÖ

The trade union vida and the Federal Transport and Traffic Division of the WKO have agreed on seven central demands to the future federal government:

1.       Mobility Guarantee Austria

2.       measures to reduce CO2 emissions

3.       red-white-red location offensive and combating illegal trade

4.       relieve companies and employees

5.       promoting innovation and digitisation

6.       develop infrastructure

7.       making optimum use of the potential workforce

“Competitive navigability of the Danube and the creation of a European authority with executive power for enforcement: To increase the competitiveness of the Danube waterway, a year-round available discharge depth of 25 dm in case of regulatory low water should be guaranteed”, the social partners demand. In addition to centralised, intermodal planning and better networking of the individual modes of transport, a clear, Austria-wide rail target network, which is electrically operated and includes regional and private railways, is to be created. 

Furthermore, the social partners appeal for Austria’s ratification of the E-CMR: “Austrian companies must be given the opportunity to use an electronic consignment note. This will make administration easier, less paper for the drivers and cost savings for the companies”, they say. In general, technical innovations, especially in freight transport, should be pushed forward and driving bans should be recorded digitally and centrally.
