Graz Airport can look back on a successful year in 2018. After Swissport Cargo Services Austria (a subsidiary of Graz Airport and Swissport International) was able to increase the handled freight volume by around 21 per cent last year, the development in 2018 is very pleasing with an increase of 1.75 per cent. This meant that the previous year’s high level of 18,902 tonnes was not only maintained, but slightly increased to 19,233 tonnes.
With a total of 1,030,929 passengers, the airport is 7.5 per cent above the previous year’s result and thus set a new passenger record. The traffic development in the first few months of 2018 was still somewhat influenced by the loss of airberlin. But the well-used line connections (3.9 per cent) and the outstanding development in charter traffic (+39.2 per cent) more than made up for this.
Mag. Siegfried Nagl, mayor of the city of Graz: “It was a strategically far-sighted decision that today Graz Airport is fully by the city of Graz. Today, the enterprise is a flagship company within the Holding Graz and an indispensable hub for the export-oriented Styrian economy. In the future, this gateway to the world will be further strengthened by new destinations and hub connections as well as with innovative mobility offers”.
DI Wolfgang Malik, CEO of Holding Graz – Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH: “Graz Airport has been delivering positive results for years. We know that a good development of an airport always depends on multiple factors: a top location in a dynamic catchment area, attractive offers both for liner and charter services, a very good economic situation and a particularly strategic management. I am therefore particularly proud that these four qualities have met this year and we can celebrate the best result in the history of Graz Airport”.