A train with a total length of 800 meters carries 82 Bertschi ISO-tank containers to Europe. In total 18 days will be needed to move the high value chemical products from the production plants in China over the New Silk Road to their destinations in Germany and France. Considering the geographic location of Korla – the seaports of China are located 4.000 kilometers further East – the transport on rail is a reasonable and time-saving alternative.
Bertschi already pioneered on the same route two years ago with the first block train loaded with chemical tank containers. The further development of the infrastructure along the New Silk Road will enhance the attractiveness of rail transport between China and Europe.
Bertschi is a global logistics service provider for the chemical industry, specialising in both liquids and dry bulk products. The company employs 2’600 staff members at 70 locations in 37 different countries worldwide. Bertschi is a family business, founded in 1956 with headquarters in Switzerland and has an annual turnover of USD 720 million.
The company owns 29’000 tank- and dry bulk containers, 1’200 trucks and 30 container terminals and warehousing hubs for chemical and plastic products. In Europe, Bertschi is market leader in intermodal transport of chemicals on rail and water. Furthermore Bertschi has developed into a leading global provider of isotank transport and value added logistics services for the chemical industry.