At the end of March, the stakeholder community of Austrian Danube ports (Interessensgemeinschaft öffentlicher Donauhäfen Österreich – IGÖD) elected a new Board. The Commercial Managing Director of the Port of Vienna, Mag. Fritz Lehr, was confirmed as Chairman for two more years.
IGÖD is the stakeholder community of public Danube ports in Austria and supports, among other things, the further strengthening of the Danube waterway, “which enables optimal expansion opportunities to the rapidly growing markets in Southeastern Europe”.
Austria as a location for production and industry needs economically attractive logistics structures as well as optimal connections to the most important European seaports. Thanks to their trimodal infrastructure, the four public Danube ports of Linz, Enns, Krems and Vienna fulfill this requirement and make a significant contribution to the competitiveness of the local industry. In addition to high-quality logistics facilities and real estate, the locations offer a variety of services in the area of logistics / freight traffic.;