Österreichische Post makes an attempt at trunk logistics

Post, T-Systems and VW test new types of parcel delivery: The customer receives his goods directly into his car

Österreichische Post makes an attempt at trunk logistics

Together with T-Systems and Porsche Austria,  Österreichische Post AG will start their first field test for a totally new form of delivery in October: Trunk logistics. Delivery of the parcels directly to the trunks of the customers’ cars.
With trunk logistics, which makes it possible for recipients to have their parcels delivered directly into their cars, the vehicle becomes part of the logistics chain. The information- and communication technology necessary already exists: GPS, Internet, Smartphone as well as safe mobile Identity- und Access Management.
The pilot for trunk logistics works according to a simple principle: When ordering online the trial customers added the info “trunk delivery”. On the day of delivery the delivery agent can locate the exact position of the vehicle via App and through a highly secure identification- and authorisation system provided by T-Systems the trunk is unlocked and the shipment can be placed directly in the VW test car. The mobile Identity- and Access solution makes sure that only the authorised delivery agent can open the car. The delivery process inclusing opening and locking the trunk is logged. Recipients are informed by e-mail, text message or App, as soon as the parcel has been placed in the trunk.
The advantages of trunk logistics for all parties involved are obvious. The customers receives his parcel directly into his car and need to concern himself with delivery- and opening times, the postal servic need to put up with empty trips to absent customers and the retailers profit from content, promptly served customers.
