New weekly rail link between Tilburg and Budapest

Also the port of Rotterdam will have an even better connection to Hungary’s capital

New weekly rail link between Tilburg and Budapest

From the end of September, a weekly rail freight service will operate between Tilburg and Budapest. The shuttle travels from RailPortBrabant to the BILK terminal in Budapest and vice versa. As there is already a daily rail service between Rotterdam and RailPortBrabant, this means that the port city will have an even better connection with Hungary’s capital.
The shuttle is the result of intensive cooperation between rail operator LTE, Budapest BILK Railterminal, Glencore, MTHODE and GVT Intermodal in combination with industry in Tilburg. Various cargo flows are combined on the train via smart matching. This means that there is coordination with various shippers so that the import and export flows are attuned to one another.
