Michael Neuwirth leaving Roland Spedition

The specialist on container operating shifts his professional commitment to trade fair logistics

Michael Neuwirth leaving Roland Spedition

After almoste nine years, Michael Neuwirth will leave Roland Spedition as of August 31st, to take on a new challenge in trade fair logistics from 1st September. In this context, he expressed his thanks to the owners of Roland Spedition, Christian Gutjahr and Mag. Nikolaus Hirnschall, “for a very good, friendly and successful cooperation”.

As an “operating specialist in the heart of Europe”, Roland Spedition celebrates its 35th anniversary in 2017. In 2016, the 45 employees working at the headquarters in Schwechat, close to Vienna, and at the branch in Salzburg disposed about 150,000 TEU. By their own account this volume makes Roland the largest private independent container operator in Austria.



