JCL Logistics carries 7,200 tonnes for a wind power plant

Transport logistics by barge with cooperation partners Felbermayr and Haeger + Schmidt

JCL Logistics carries 7,200 tonnes for a wind power plant

For the construction of a wind farm, JCL Logistics transports components with unit weights of up to 62 tonnes and a total weight of 7,200 tonnes to Kreuzstetten, Lower Austria. Max Bögl Wind AG is building seven wind towers with their hubs as high as 123 and 143 meters, respectively.

The approximately 500-kilometer journey uses land and waterways from Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz to the port of departure in Lände Bachhausen, on the waterway to the Danube ports in Linz and Krems, to Kreuzstetten in north-eastern Lower Austria.

Not only the pure numbers, but also the elaborate preparation, implementation and accompanying measures for the logistics are sensational. “The coordination of loading is as exciting as challenging,” says Alois Berner, project manager at JCL Logistics Austria GmbH.

Specifically, he refers to the interplay of water level taking into account high or low water, ice and other factors, the optimal utilisation of the ships, suitable areas for temporary storage and the route and path test for the special transports. This all in perfect harmony with the schedule for the assembly – also taking into account the weather conditions.

In the current project, Max Bögl Wind AG, a pioneer in future-oriented solutions for the energy market, is building on an already successful cooperation with JCL Logistics Austria GmbH. In 2015, the parts for 15 towers were transported to Simonsfeld and Großkrut, and in 2016 for eleven towers to Paasdorf-Lanzendorf.

