Holzindustrie Schweighofer is currently implementing a GPS tracking system in Romania (Timflow), that surpasses all regulatory requirements. Every truck that delivers timber to the production or wood collection sites of the company is equipped with a GPS tracker, so the origin of the timber can be proved.
Upon arrival of the truck at the plant, the GPS coordinates are checked to make sure there was not made any detour from the route and the truck really origins from the site specified in the documents by the supplier. In this way Holzindustrie Schweighofer can exclude roundwood trucks with timber deliveries from national parks or illegal harvesting sites.
To ensure transparency, the datasets for each arriving load will be published on the website www.timflow.com once the system is fully operational (scheduled for Q1/17)). This includes not only the GPS tracks but also information about the way bill and the document of origin and pictures of the load.
Users can report findings or suspicious facts to Holzindustrie Schweighofer’s compliance staff. The company will immediately investigate these findings and respond to the claimant if the findings can be confirmed, if the case was handed over to the authorities or if there is no evidence for violations.
“At the moment, more than 125 trucks are already equipped with the Timflow-GPS tracker. At the end of the first quarter 2017, it will be more than 400,” Frank Aigner, Managing Director of the Schweighofer group, said at a press conference in Vienna.
Holzindustrie Schweighofer currently employs around 3,000 staff at three modern sawmills in Romania. Their products are exported to over 70 countries.