Gysev Cargo feels the consequences of the refugee crisis

Freight transport performance of the first half of the year is slightly decreasing; Gysev is granted a credit line of EUR 40 million for new locomotives

Gysev Cargo feels the consequences of the refugee crisis

Compared to 2015, the company’s freight transport performance of the first half of the year shows an 11 percent drop in freight tonnes. This decrease is mainly explained by transport disruptions caused by the refugee crisis (Idomeni border situation, re-routing etc.), technological problems of Romania at the border and rail infrastructure developments in Hungary and Southeast-Europe.

As regards the type of goods transported, a rise in the number of projects which involve the transportation of ready-made cars and pallet goods can be observed. A decline is visible in the transport of raw materials and construction materials and also the transport of cereal has dropped considerably in comparison with 2015.

Gysev Cargo and the European rail freight companies will have to face huge challenges in 2016, too. On the one hand, the company has to stand the serious competitive pressure resulting from the liberalisation of the rail market, while on the other hand, it needs to strive to preserve and even strengthen its existing market position and other business values.

The company continues to make every effort to further strengthen its function as a hub between East and West and at the same time wishes to take part in Europe’s freight transport running between the North and the South, in line with the infrastructural developments of its mother company Gysev Zrt. on this transport corridor. The expectations towards the second half of 2016 are also in line with this endeavour: together with partners, new project shipment services shall be set up.

This April, Gysev announced a call for proposals for the purchase of five electric locomotives. The railway company’s intention is to buy two pieces of two-system vehicles with diesel auxiliary drive and three pieces of three-system locomotives. However, the public procurement process leaves open the possibility to purchase a further four – at least – two-system vehicles.

Based on the agreement, Gysev receives a credit line of EUR 40 million from the European Investment Bank. Nevertheless, it is the ongoing procurement process that will reveal, how much the company will actually call from this amount.

