GLS Group: renewed and expanded certification

Recertification in accordance with ISO 9001 and 14001 in 18 countries; GDP certification in Denmark and Ireland

GLS Group: renewed and expanded certification

The ISO certificates for quality and environmental management at the GLS Group have been renewed for the next three years. GLS operating companies in 18 countries had their quality and environmental management systems recertified. GLS has also achieved GDP certification for the transportation of medicinal products in two more countries. 

“Certifications contribute to common standards and the transparency of our products and services in the eyes of the customers,” says Rico Back, CEO GLS Group. “Moreover they confirm that systems have been developed according to standards – also in the national markets.“

GLS also obtained GDP (Good Distribution Practice) certification in Denmark and Ireland this autumn. Following Germany and France, where GLS was certified in 2016, the companies in four countries now meet the stringent safety and hygiene requirements for the non-temperature-controlled transport of medicinal products for human use.

GLS contracted DQS – one of the largest international providers of management system certification – for almost all the certificates. The combined handling from one source allows to make auditing processes more efficient in the national branches.
