Eurodis network expands to Bulgaria

As a member of the Austrian Post Group, M&BM Express has now joined the Eurodis network

Eurodis network expands to Bulgaria

After its successful expansion to Romania at the beginning of the year, the Eurodis network has now integrated M&BM Express to cover Bulgaria.

M&BM Express is a leading private Bulgarian operator member of Austrian Post Group focusing on integrated postal services – mail, parcel and extended logistics services related to parcel – for business users. Since 2005 when the company has been established, the company is constantly updating and upgrading its product lines and services mix to cater for ever changing and enhancing customers’ needs.

Strong national providers of logistics services from all over Europe joined together in the European distribution network Eurodis to develop internationally specialized industry solution for their customers with unified processes and active quality management. Together they cover 36 European countries. All members are able to promptly, efficiently and safely transport shipments ranging from 1-kg parcels to 800-kg pallets (combined freight). Additionally, numerous regional services such as pick-up orders, COD or hazardous goods are offered to a broad range of destinations. The Eurodis headquarters is located in Weinheim.

