The trains are deployed by the partner company Emons, a transport and logistics firm with global operations, and they reach Leipzig from Hamburg or Bremerhaven. They transport between 700 and 1,500 net tonnes of freight in containers, which are earmarked for onward transportation by road or rail and for temporary storage.
PortGround uses reach stackers to unload the trains. Among other things, these kinds of wheeled vehicles are capable of loading containers that weigh up to 50 tonnes.
“PortGround is involving its extensive skills in handling all types of freight in this cooperation arrangement and it’s an ideal partner for all companies that use the freight handling station when transferring items from rail to road services, says Alexander König,Managing Director of PortGround GmbH.
PortGround GmbH is a subsidiary of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG and provides ground handling, freight and other services at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden Airports. PortGround can guarantee operations 365 days a year round the clock with its approximately 370 employees and an extensive fleet of the latest vehicles and machinery.
The two airports, which both belong to Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG, registered 95,258 aircraft movements, 4.05 million passengers and 988,423 tonnes of freight in 2015. The Group directly employed 1,092 people. Overall, 10,647 people were working at various companies and public authorities based at the Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG airports in 2015.