B & S Logistik GmbH sets the course for the future

Walter Leitgeb prepares for gradual withdrawal; Manuela Prenner, Gerhard Gattinger and Martin Kausal are his successors

B & S Logistik GmbH sets the course for the future

Due to the upcoming partial retirement of Managing Partner Walter Leitgeb in April 2018, the corporate governance and strategic development of B & S Logistik GmbH will be given a new lease on life. As of March 2018, the currently barred authorized signatory Manuela Prenner, MA receives support from Gerhard Gattinger and Ing. Martin Kausal in corporate management and strategy development. Walter Leitgeb will gradually withdraw from operations in the coming years, but will continue to perform his current role.

Three experienced logisticians from the industry which are already established employees from the company are commissioned with the management. The Viennese freight forwarding company, which is well-established on the market and specializes in rail logistics, remains true to its core values ​​of customer and quality orientation. Managing partner Walter Leitgeb thus sees the strategic and entrepreneurial future of the company secured.

Since its founding in September 2007, the company has grown into an international rail logistics specialist with 20 employees at its own locations in Vienna (headquarters), Salzburg (since 2008) and Bratislava (since 2011). The leased rail volume of 1.2 million tonnes (2017) is spread over the wood, paper, chemical, agricultural, steel and automotive sectors, with a focus on Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Italy, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands Slovakia moves.

