“Flying Dutchman” run directly from Rotterdam to Constanza

Three and a half years after it was founded, ELL Austria GmbH leases its 100th locomotive (Siemens Vectron) to the LTE group

“Flying Dutchman” run directly from Rotterdam to Constanza


On January 19th, the LTE-group took over the 100th Vectron of ELL Austria GmbH at the Terminal 3 of WienCont Ges.m.b.H. With the Siemens Vectron named “The Flying Dutchman”, the private cargo railway company launches the new locomotive design series “Logistics4Legends”. It is the first locomotive for direct rail transport from Rotterdam to Constanza.

“We share the passion for technology and fast locomotives for operations on the European long-haul routes,” said ELL Austria’s Managing Director Christoph Katzensteiner, and thanked Andreas Mandl, CEO LTE-group, for the good cooperation. The latter, in turn, informed the representatives of the rail vehicle manufacturer Siemens Mobility about their need for locomotives for continuous traction on the corridor from Antwerp to Constanza or on the connections from the northern Italian Adriatic ports to the Black Sea.

With locations in eight European countries and the sister company Adria Transport in Slovenia, the LTE group carries six million tonnes of goods per year (ranging from agricultural products and hazardous goods to entire underground sets) across Europe, from the North Sea to the Black Sea, and from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean. The company relies on almost 50 own electric, hybrid and diesel locomotives, as well as eight logistics and service centers at its own branches. Their 280 employees generated more than EUR 90 million in sales in 2017.

www.ell.co.at; www.lte.at


