GLS Austria takes a look behind the scenes of e-commerce

New survey on e-commerce conducted on behalf of GLS Austria shows: The future belongs to mobile shopping – information on delivery status is in demand

GLS Austria takes a look behind the scenes of e-commerce

The parcel company GLS Austria charged, a major digital market research institutes in Austria, with a survey on current trends in e-commerce. More than 650 persons participated in the survey. Almost
80 per cent said they have bough something via internet within the past six months. More than 20 per cent of the polled persons are so-called heavy users, having made more than ten purchases in this period.
Mobile shopping is popular mainly among young people. 29 per cent of the age group 18 – 25 years shop using a smartphone. Women use both smartphone and tablet more than twice as much for online shopping, than men.
The private delivery of parcels is booming. Around two-thirds of the polled send a parcel every four to six months, almost every fourth even sent a parcel at least once a month. The approximately 600 GLS parcel shops offer shippers a comprehensive network for their shipments.
It is important for us to know how e-commerce is evolving. This enables us to tailor our offerings to meet the demands of the parcel receiver,” says Dr. Axel Spörl, Region Manager GLS Austria and Portugal.
In general, our strategy is to contact the consumer in direct dialogue and to ask them about their wishes.”
At more than 74 per cent, the most important criterion of online shoppers regarding the delivery service is a reliable and fast delivery.
To track the status of the delivery and receive a notification about the time frame of delivery is very relevant for online shoppers too.
