Lagermax AED optimises overnight express service through PUDO-network

PUDO concept (Pick-up and Drop-off Points) is Lagermax AED’s response to ever new challenges in the domestic market of overnight express delivery

Lagermax AED optimises overnight express service through PUDO-network

As of now Lagermax AED GmbH & Co KG offers an extensive network of so-called PUDO stations throughout Austria. Technicians and field workers are supplied with spare parts, documents or important accessories via overnight express delivery to defined points via fixed routes. From 7 in the morning customers can pick up their goods at the Lagermax AED PUDO partners – and return goods. This makes complex returns shipments and administration for technicians obsolete. Waits are reduced to a minimum.
Through the guaranteed placement of the stations overnight, the consignments are available to the field staff at a very early stage, and thus orders can be processed quickly. This is true for “regular standard fillings” as well as for urgently needed parts. For very urgent goods, shipments can arrive at the receiver also within 8 hours.
The range of services of the European PUDO Network (EPN) offers appropriate solutions for goods supply for all industries, if it has to be fast. The partner stations are located for example in stores or gas stations with long opening times. The distances between the individual PUDO stations allow the fastest possible arrival from all points in the country. Thus Lagermax AED ensures flexible, convenient and efficient accessibility of all stations for the recipients.
The complete flow of goods is logged in detail by a standard scan method. Whether at the arrival of the goods at the PUDO station, when the goods are issued, or when returning goods, any change of status can be actively communicated to the customer on request. At every stage of the goods flow, traceability of each player is given. Small regional warehouses or FSL (Field Stock Locations) can be easily mapped on the EPN Pudo partner. In addition, small areas can serve as an interim storage facility for technicians.
In addition to the PUDO system, Lagermax AED offers its customers but also the possibility of the delivery of goods by means of “Carboot Delivery”. In this premium version, the parts are brought directly to the service vehicle of the field worker and deposited there in the trunk. The technician will be notified via text message or email about the delivery of the ordered part, and can thus start working right from the doorstep.
Another possibility for procurement of goods via overnight express are the “Pudo-Pick Up Drop off boxes”, where the parcels are delivered to unmanned boxes. These are either installed directly at the technician or field worker, or in the immediate vicinity at a defined location.
Lagermax AED, Alltime Express Distribution, is a high-quality logistics system of the Lagermax corporate group. The headquarters of Lagermax AED is located in Obertrum am See. In Austria, five depots in Obertrum, Vienna, Linz, Kalsdorf near Graz, St. Veit/Glan and Telfs are connected by daily truck lines with fixed departure and arrival times. As a brand provider of Lagermax, an internationally operating freight forwarding group, AED has, apart from Austria, also a powerful network in ten countries in Central and Southeastern Europe. Lagermax AED GmbH & Co KG is a member of ESLA (European Service Logistics Association), an association of leading European overnight express providers.
